Launch Gorgeous 2023 - Urgent Document

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Town Hall Meeting Notes + The 2023

Town Hall Meeting Notes + The 2023 Launch Gorgeous

Launch Gorgeous Coaching Experience

Coaching Experience

Launch Gorgeous Coaching Experience

Is it just us or does everything in our digital world feel like it’s been tossed in a Vitamix and pulsed on high for a few minutes? 😫

The introduction of AI into the online market is shaking everyone and everything up. No matter what side of the fence you sit on (terrified we’re all going to get overrun by robots all the way to fully immersed and loving every second of it), one thing is true:

  • The online world is about to get louder and more crowded.

There’s about a 1-2 year window right now where we’re still in the happy land of most of our content being generated by real good ol’ fashioned humans, but that’s going to change…fast. 

So consider this your 12-18 month warning that you need to grow your community and audience RIGHT NOW. 

Cathy Olson Commented:
12:01 PM Yesterday

@Julie It's like the calm before the AI storm! 🤣

Cathy Olson Commented:
12:13 PM Yesterday

@Julie, you should mention this letter is written without the help of AI!

Julie Chenell Replied:
12:37 PM Yesterday

Hahah! Official human written. Good call.

Here’s the good news: Humans crave connection. And as long as you have an audience and community of people who know about you and your business, you will be able to grow - through word of mouth, referrals, testimonials, and brand loyalty. 

But it’s going to get harder and harder to build a personal or course brand if you’re fighting for attention in the never-ending-content-machine that is AI. 


Truth is, we planned out our entire roadmap for our 2023 coaching experience before ChatGPT came and blew up the Internet.

But our instincts on what to do this year were spot on.

This year, we want to focus on helping you grow an audience. To that end, we’re doing something we’ve never done before.

Normally, we run 2 Launch Gorgeous cohorts a year: a Spring Experience and a Fall Experience. And the funnels and ideas are completely different.

This year, we decided to do ONE longer Launch Gorgeous experience, broken up over TWO time periods to make it manageable for the 1 person solopreneur... ALL focused on audience building.

Anonymous Fox Commented:
6:31 AM Today

I'm often worried about selling my offer to crickets - I definitely need an audience builder for now and the future!


For those of you who don’t know what Launch Gorgeous is...

It’s our 8-12 week coaching program that takes you by the hand and helps you launch an offer. We’ve done over 10 of these rounds, with hundreds of students, and each experience is a bit different. 

For this year, we wanted to focus on two tried and true ways to build an audience…

A Free 3 Part Workshop Series Funnel

In this funnel, you run a free weekly workshop (3 weeks in a row) and get to build rapport and run ads for much longer than you could for a webinar! At the end you have a TON of goodwill and banked expertise and people usually reach out looking to work with you! This funnel (when we did it) brought us 3000 leads!

A Five Day Free Challenge To Launch Funnel

In this funnel, you run ads to a classic 5 day FREE challenge and at the end of the challenge, you launch a program (anywhere from $100-$3000). The beautiful part about doing both is that you have your hot-ready-to-buy happy audience from your workshop ready to do the challenge and launch with you!

Free 3 Part Workshop Series Funnel

5 Day Free Challenge To Launch Funnel

In this funnel, you run a free weekly workshop (3 weeks in a row) and get to build rapport and run ads for much longer than you could for a webinar! At the end you have a TON of goodwill and banked expertise and people usually reach out looking to work with you! This funnel (when we did it) brought us 3000 leads!

In this funnel, you run ads to a classic 5 day FREE challenge and at the end of the challenge, you launch a program (anywhere from $100-$3000). The beautiful part about doing both is that you have your hot-ready-to-buy happy audience from your workshop ready to do the challenge and launch with you!

Both of these audience building funnels are FANTASTIC for building rapport, creating goodwill, attracting new leads, and building an audience before a launch. They also work GREAT with ads. 

Last year in 2022, we did BOTH of these strategies in our company, and gained over 5000 new subscribers in the process. 

Now the beautiful part about these two audience building funnels is they can be done together or separately, in tandem with each other or not. 

You can launch an offer on the back of either of these types of funnels, or you can use them to warm up a cold audience for a launch down the line.

The sky's the limit! 

So we’re going to bring you BOTH these funnels in the

2023 LG Coaching Experience this year.

  • Here’s how it’s going to work:

Starting May 1st, we’re going to begin the 8 week journey to launching a free 3-part workshop series funnel.

Julie Chenell Commented:
1:37 PM Yesterday

I'll never forget when you pitched the idea of the 3 part workshop series and challenge and suggested we pull it off in six weeks @Cathy 🤣.

Cathy Olson Replied:
1:12 PM Yesterday

Haha I know. If someone would have said "here's everything you need" we would have grabbed that in a hot minute!

Julie Chenell Commented:
12:03 PM Yesterday

@Cathy I wonder if I should include why it's three workshops and three weeks? It's mainly to give your ads more time to optimize, to try different hooks, so many benefits. Just not sure how to include them all.

In LG Part One
We’re going to teach you…

  • The strategy behind the free 3-part workshop series

  • The funnel building process (step by step)

  • The FB / IG ad strategy to get people into it

  • How to launch something after it’s over!

In LG Part One
We’re going to teach you…

  • The strategy behind the free workshop series

  • The funnel building process (step by step)

  • The FB / IG ad strategy to get people into it

  • How to launch something after it’s over!

Cathy Olson Replied:
2:17 PM Yesterday

@Trish We should do a live to explain why we chose this specific list building funnel.

Trish Replied:
3:32 PM Yesterday

K guys, here's the link. Should we send out an email?

And as true with every round of Launch Gorgeous, we’ll include the funnels, templates, copywriting, live coaching, office hours, etc.

It’s as close to done for you as you can get with the advantage of still doing the work so you learn as you do it!

This will take us right up to the end of June. You’ll leave LG spring round with your workshop series running and/or complete! 

Then it’s time for summer. Because let’s face it, summer is hard enough with kids home and schedules running amok, we don’t need to add more to our plates. 

Your goal for the summer will be to keep your newfound audience warmed up with valuable emails, and feel free to sell to them any existing services or courses you have (yes we'll give you some tips on this, and some bonuses that help you!)

Once the summer is through, we’ll pick back up for round two of Launch Gorgeous.

August 28th we’ll start the second 8 week experience and together we’ll build a challenge funnel that leads into a classic launch!

Julie Chenell Commented:
10:27 AM Yesterday

This is perfect timing since it gives people a chance to finish their list building, take a summer vaca and then be ready to kick it off with a challenge in the fall.

In LG Part Two

We’re going to teach you…

  • The strategy behind the five day challenge + the launch after

  • The funnel building process (step by step)

  • The FB / IG ad strategy to get people into it

  • How to launch something after it’s over!

In LG Part Two

We’re going to teach you…

  • The strategy behind the five day challenge

  • The funnel building process (step by step)

  • The FB / IG ad strategy to get people into it

  • How to launch something after it’s over!

For those doing both, you’ll get to invite all your leads from the spring to your challenge, and will also be able to run ads to the challenge for…

you guessed it… EVEN MORE VISIBILITY.

At the end of the five day challenge, you’ll finish out with a
5-day launch of an offer.

Launch Gorgeous
Workshop Series Only

For people who JUST want to learn how to do the 3-part workshop series funnel.

Launch Gorgeous
Workshop + Challenge Both

For people who want to learn the 3 part workshop series AND also learn the 5 day challenge that leads into a launch!

Launch Gorgeous
Workshop Series Only

For people who JUST want to learn how to do the 3-part workshop series funnel.

Launch Gorgeous
Workshop + Challenge Both

For people who want to learn the 3 part workshop series AND also learn the 5 day challenge that leads into a launch!

And just like in the Spring round, we’ll include everything you need. 

Lots of people ask us
“How much time does it take out of my business to do Launch Gorgeous with you?”
and the answer is always the same…

There’s no “learning for learning's sake” in Launch Gorgeous. It’s an experience that’s meant to help you BUILD your business with a ton of shortcuts.

So rather than thinking about how much extra time it’s taking to be in a program, think about the time you've ALREADY earmarked for marketing. That's the lifeblood of a young business anyway right? You do that part alone, or have LG supercharge and shortcut your efforts!

Each Launch Gorgeous round is $3000 normally.
This includes live coaching, course materials, funnel templates, ad and social strategy, and more. 

However, since these are so interlinked (going together like PB&J), we’re selling them as a package, giving a discount to those who are ready to do BOTH rounds with us! Both rounds of LG will be $3200!

Of course, you can just purchase the spring round if you wish.

Julie Chenell Commented:
9:33 AM Yesterday

@Jess Okay Let's not forget our discounts for loyal students and members.

We need to hand out coupon codes for our FG Society members and our Launch Gorgeous alumni.

Let's get them coupons!

FG Society Members:
Coupon to save them $1000 off!

LG Alumni:
Coupon to save them $2300 off!

And then of course our True North students get LG spring and fall both for free!

Jess Replied:
10:37 AM Yesterday

Want me to send an email out telling them their coupons are in the portal?

Cathy Olson Replied:
4:37 PM Yesterday

@Jess Yep, let's do it!

Payment Plan Available

Payment Plan Available

That’s 16 weeks of coaching for $206/w plus all materials needed. The only thing not included is your FG Funnels® account, your FB Ad Spend, and your expertise.

Launch Gorgeous Workshop Series Only

  • Spring Launch Gorgeous Coaching + Curriculum (8 Weeks Live with Julie // Cathy) Value $5,000

  • Spring Weekly Mindset Calls (8 Weeks Live with Nicole McDonough) Value $3,000

  • Spring 3-Part Workshop Series 1-Click Funnel (In Our New Funnel Glass Collection)! Value $5,000

  • Spring Copy Prompts + Examples Value $500

  • Spring Guest FB Ads Expert Training with Jodi Sodini Value $1,000

  • Spring Pop Up Facebook Group Value $500

  • BONUS: Logo Bundle // Ad Gorgeous Value $750

  • SUPER BONUS: Launch Gorgeous Elite Full Course + Replays Value $3,000

  • SUPER BONUS: Launch Gorgeous Classic Full Course + Replays Value $3,000

  • PERK: $1000 Off Of FG Society (never expires) Value $1,000

  • PERK: Get Lifetime Alumni Pricing for Future Rounds of LG Value $2,500

  • PERK: The Chance To Be Featured in Our Newsletter Value Priceless

TOTAL VALUE = $25,250

Today's Price = $3000

Julie Chenell Commented:
10:22 AM Yesterday

We can’t forget to explain these bonuses! We’ve never sold our “older” rounds of LG before, but the high ticket application funnel and the classic round funnel will be perfect if there are some overachievers that want to keep busy in the summer selling to their new audience. Lol

Launch Gorgeous Workshop Series + 5-Day Challenge

  • Spring Launch Gorgeous Coaching + Curriculum (8 Weeks Live with Julie // Cathy) Value $5,000

  • Spring Weekly Mindset Calls (8 Weeks Live with Nicole McDonough) Value $3,000

  • Spring Workshop Series 1-Click Funnel (In Our New Funnel Glass Collection)! Value $5,000

  • Spring Copy Prompts + Examples Value $500

  • Spring Guest FB Ads Expert Training with Jodi Sodini Value $1,000

  • Spring Pop Up Facebook Group Value $500

  • Fall Launch Gorgeous Coaching + Curriculum (8 Weeks Live with Julie // Cathy) Value $5,000

  • Fall Weekly Mindset Calls (8 Weeks Live with Nicole McDonough) Value $3,000

  • Fall Workshop Series 1-Click Funnel (In Our New Funnel Glass Collection)! Value $5,000

  • Fall Copy Prompts + Examples Value $500

  • Fall Guest FB Ads Expert Training with Jodi Sodini Value $1,000

  • Fall Pop Up Facebook Group Value $500

  • BONUS: Logo Bundle // Ad Gorgeous Value $750

  • SUPER BONUS: Launch Gorgeous Elite Full Course + Replays Value $3,000

  • SUPER BONUS: Launch Gorgeous Classic Full Course + Replays Value $3,000

  • PERK: $1000 Off Of FG Society (never expires) Value $1,000

  • PERK: Get Lifetime Alumni Pricing for Future Rounds of LG Value $2,500

  • PERK: The Chance To Be Featured in Our Newsletter Value Priceless

TOTAL VALUE = $39,250
Today's Price = $3200

Cathy Olson Commented:
12:13 PM Yesterday

@Jess We need coupon codes for the alumni and FG Society members that want the bundle too!

Knowing Julie, she'll add even more savings. LOL

Jess Commented:
12:45 PM Yesterday

@Cathy You got it!

Payment Plan Available

Payment Plan Available

We get lots of questions about Launch Gorgeous that we’re going to try and answer here:

What are the dates of each round?

Spring Phase (Workshop Series) runs May 1st to June 16th. Fall Phase (Challenge Funnel) runs August 28th to October 30th.

Who is the right fit for Launch Gorgeous?

Any course creator, coach, consultant, membership site owner that wants to grow an audience and launch digital offers.

Do I have to use your software to participate?

No, you can use anything you wish. However, FG Funnels users have a distinct advantage since the funnel is pre-built and loaded with 1 click. If you want to use another software, you can use our preview links to recreate it in another program.

Should I do this if I don’t want to run Ads?

You can absolutely run this without ads. However, you will have to use your own audience (email, social media, etc.).

What kind of Ad budget do I need?

That’s up to you. The nice thing about both these funnels is that they are capturing lead information so the conversions typically are a bit less expensive than a funnel that is asking for payment. Typically we recommend $25 a day to start, and ads run for about three weeks.

Are students going to be selling an offer in both rounds or only one?

So for spring (the workshop series), you will have a choice whether you want to simply focus on building rapport and an audience and therefore NOT launching, or if you want to make an offer when you’re done with your workshop series.

We’re not doing a traditional post series launch in the spring round because we want to spend most of our time focusing on lead generation and growth, but you 100% can choose to sell something at the end. We are including two epic bonuses to help you sell in the summer if you wish!

The round in the fall is directly tied to a launch. The five day challenge is essentially the lead in and then there is a buying period afterwards. We WILL build into the curriculum the launch piece there.

What price does my offer need to be in order to do one or both of these rounds?

We recommend you have something to sell for the fall round that’s anywhere between $97 - $3000. For the spring, you can just focus on growing your list, or sell something (services, courses, etc.) on the back end in an email series.

How does Launch Gorgeous compare to other options (like a 1:1 coach, DFY agency, or DIYing it)?

A 1:1 coach would probably be giving you instructions very similar to what we do, but charging double the price. In many cases, 1:1 coaches actually don’t have the same amount of technical expertise we do, or resources and templates available. Nonetheless, 1:1 coaching is usually between $5-10k. 

A DFY agency would probably charge between $5-$25k for these funnels. You would not have to do the work of the funnel build, but would still be responsible for the content and strategy of what you’re teaching.

DIYing it would be less expensive (at first) than Launch Gorgeous, but two things would more than likely happen: 1, you would take quite a bit longer to finish, and 2, costly mistakes could have you paying more than if you’d just joined with us!

You said you are giving us a pre-built funnel? What does it look like?

Yes we’ll build all the funnels you need, and you can load them into your account and then we teach you how to customize them for your particular brand. 

You’ll be getting a three part workshop series funnel, and if you buy the bundle, a challenge funnel, a launch funnel, plus all the workflows and automations and copy for the funnels.

These funnels are in production right now and will have a brand new design that our community has not seen yet! 

Does Launch Gorgeous help us create the actual content for the workshop series, challenge, and the offer we might sell in the fall?

Yes. We include training and strategy on how to do that.

What time are the calls?

We do one live call every Monday at 2pm Eastern (USA). They are recorded and transcribed. All the other materials are pre-recorded and available for viewing at any time. We also have live office hours (multiple times a week) and those are all different times.

What’s the coaching experience like?

Julie + Cathy do the Monday calls together. They also have a mindset coach Nicole McDonough who does weekly coaching around various mindset issues that come up while launching. 

The office hour calls are done by the Funnel Gorgeous team and based on specific topics.

In addition, there is a FB group with dedicated threads for feedback and sharing.

What sorts of results have people had with your Launch Gorgeous coaching?

We have had many people hit their first $10k, $50k, and $100k. People who have gone from zero visibility with no business to a multi six figure one. We've had people who literally build their first funnel and make their first dollar online. And we've had people who have multi million dollar businesses who use our shortcuts to make things easier and faster.

Why should someone NOT do Launch Gorgeous?

If you’re not interested in building an audience, have no interest in building digital products and courses, refuse to be on social media, or not comfortable getting visible, don’t ever want to learn funnel building or marketing, Launch Gorgeous is not a good fit for you.

What kind of refund policy do you offer?

It’s a coaching experience so once we get going, we’re pretty strict about no refunds. That said, if you’re not impressed with the education and resources, feel like you don’t have what you need to learn, simply email us before we hit Phase 2 in the spring and we’ll give you a refund.

What if I can’t launch in the timeframe of the teaching or I’m away?

The materials are yours to KEEP. So nothing is going away. You can just pick up where you left off once you’re back from your vacation or other obligations. Plus, there is a good two month break in between the two rounds for some good catch up time.

Can I bring a +1 into the group with me?

If they are a K-1 business partner, spouse, long term employee, sure. Just email us, but we will ask for evidence!

What’s with all the coupons?

We like to give our students and clients good deals. If you’re in True North 23, all of the 2023 LG experience is free. 

If you are a previous LG student, we give you an alumni discount so it is only $500 a round. Normally it would cost $1000 for the two rounds, but we’re offering an additional $100 off if you buy them both. Details are in the LG Alumni portal.

If you are an FG Society member (which is our funnel building certification), you get $1000 off any first time LG Round. That’s an ongoing promotion for our funnel builders.

New students are getting the bundle deal of two rounds of LG for $3200, which is a great savings for you!

You can only use one promotion at checkout. Whichever one saves you the most!

Are you giving out bonuses for Launch Gorgeous?

Usually we have a long stack of bonuses yes. They include things related to the execution of the funnel strategy, extra courses that we have that you may need, and templates and automations that normally sell in our shop but are free for students. Check the summary stack to see what's included!

Why didn’t you just plan to do the workshop series and challenge funnel back to back ?

The simple reason is? Fatigue. Most people don’t have a 17 person team and need more time. We spread it out to make it more doable.

Payment Plan Available

Payment Plan Available

Alright, Alright... Let’s Crunch The Numbers

In the world of funnel building, profitability is all math.

  • For example, you can generally estimate that the average business owner in the digital space makes approximately $1.00 per email address, per month.

  • So if you have 500 email subscribers, you should be able to make about $500/m off that list if you’re regularly launching and selling.

  • Many people see $5-$6 an email per month. Currently, Funnel Gorgeous is around $5.35 per email address, per month.

One of the reasons we’re focusing so much on audience building is because of this simple math principle. You need an audience. Most people can create good offers (with help), but they lack visibility.

the time to build an audience without the noise of AI generated content?
Is quickly shrinking.

So ROI wise (since everyone wants to know this), you can make back the $3200 within ONE launch easily if you have an audience or build one. For some people, it takes two to three launches repeated to make the $$ back.

Julie Chenell Commented:
3:34 PM Yesterday

What people don't realize is that if they work hard on their audience building in the spring, they will have a pile of people to already kick off the fall round too!

And then in the fall, we'll supercharge it with a challenge, and the compounded efforts should make their launch more successful.

Love it!

If you can get to an audience of 1000 (either in the spring or spring and fall combined), and sell a course or digital product for $300...

...If 3-5% of people buy, you’re looking at 30-50 students ($9-15k in revenue). 

  • There are no guarantees of course. But what can we guarantee?

    Is that both of these funnels do a GREAT job at building an audience that

    will appreciate you! 

If this sounds like something you’re ready to do, we are now accepting students!

Payment Plan Available

Payment Plan Available

Some people want to be able to discuss this coaching experience with someone from our team, so we’re holding a series of open houses the week of April 24th, the week before starts.

You can attend any of them, and we’ll go through the full experience and take any specific questions! Check your email for details!

Julie Chenell Commented:
12:37 PM Yesterday

Just gotta remind people... If you are an FG Society member or an LG alumni, don't forget your coupon!

Launch Gorgeous Workshop Series Only

  • Spring Launch Gorgeous Coaching + Curriculum (8 Weeks Live with Julie // Cathy) Value $5,000

  • Spring Weekly Mindset Calls (8 Weeks Live with Nicole McDonough) Value $3,000

  • Spring Workshop Series 1-Click Funnel (In Our New Funnel Glass Collection)! Value $5,000

  • Spring Copy Prompts + Examples Value $500

  • Spring Guest FB Ads Expert Training with Jodi Sodini Value $1,000

  • Spring Pop Up Facebook Group Value $500

  • BONUS: Logo Bundle // Ad Gorgeous Value $750

  • SUPER BONUS: Launch Gorgeous Elite Full Course + Replays Value $3,000

  • SUPER BONUS: Launch Gorgeous Classic Full Course + Replays Value $3,000

  • PERK: $1000 Off Of FG Society Value $1,000

  • PERK: Get Lifetime Alumni Pricing for Future Rounds of LG Value $2,500

  • PERK: The Chance To Be Featured in Our Newsletter Value Priceless

TOTAL VALUE = $25,250

Today's Price = $3000

Launch Gorgeous Workshop Series + 5-Day Challenge

  • Spring Launch Gorgeous Coaching + Curriculum (8 Weeks Live with Julie // Cathy) Value $5,000

  • Spring Weekly Mindset Calls (8 Weeks Live with Nicole McDonough) Value $3,000

  • Spring Workshop Series 1-Click Funnel (In Our New Funnel Glass Collection)! Value $5,000

  • Spring Copy Prompts + Examples Value $500

  • Spring Guest FB Ads Expert Training with Jodi Sodini Value $1,000

  • Spring Pop Up Facebook Group Value $500

  • Fall Launch Gorgeous Coaching + Curriculum (8 Weeks Live with Julie // Cathy) Value $5,000

  • Fall Weekly Mindset Calls (8 Weeks Live with Nicole McDonough) Value $3,000

  • Fall Workshop Series 1-Click Funnel (In Our New Funnel Glass Collection)! Value $5,000

  • Fall Copy Prompts + Examples Value $500

  • Fall Guest FB Ads Expert Training with Jodi Sodini Value $1,000

  • Fall Pop Up Facebook Group Value $500

  • BONUS: Logo Bundle // Ad Gorgeous Value $750

  • SUPER BONUS: Launch Gorgeous Elite Full Course + Replays Value $3,000

  • SUPER BONUS: Launch Gorgeous Classic Full Course + Replays Value $3,000

  • PERK: $1000 Off Of FG Society Value $1,000

  • PERK: Get Lifetime Alumni Pricing for Future Rounds of LG Value $2,500

  • PERK: The Chance To Be Featured in Our Newsletter Value Priceless

TOTAL VALUE = $39,250

Today's Price = $3200

Cathy Olson Commented:
3:13 PM Yesterday

Deals deals more deals. Julie is the queen. Our poor customer service team keeping track of all of it! LOL

Payment Plan Available

Payment Plan Available

**It's probably time we discuss the big question you've been having while reading this entire sales page.

No, this is NOT a Smoogle Document.
It's built entirely in FG Funnels® by Cathy + Julie to just show off.

Wanna see how it was done?
Sure, we will show you inside Launch Gorgeous, so join today!

xx Julie + Cathy